It's been a few days since I did the technical work (not very hard mind you) to start the blog and message board but I want to introduce myself as one of the other contributors to this blog.
My question of late has been 'why get married?' What is its purpose beyond procreation? Is it another ministry opprotunity? Is it the need for community? I can understand why God said 'it is not good for man to be alone' and created Eve. We are social beings and need to be in community.. and for Adam and Eve were the original community and their relationship was marriage based. Some churches take this as the ultimate in human relationships. I am not convinced of that. God does not play favorites. Paul talks extensively on the benefits of both singleness and marriage. This doesn't mean that I'm opposed to marriage. Not at all.
I wonder why such an emphasis is placed on being married if God doesn't place one above the other. Why are singles often treated as second class citizens by the church? Why have we made it such a big deal with over half of the American population is in some state of singleness (never married, divorced, widowed). Why do so many churches place most of their resources into marriage and family oriented ministries when if they did a simple demographic survey they would find that probably a third or more of their congregation is single?
That's a big resource that isn't being used effectively. At my own church, CrossPoint Community Church in Nashville, the pastor caught some heat when he did a couple of messages that were geared toward the singles in the church. His response was that singles were a part of the body, too.. and that married people should not focus just on the couples/family bubble. It wasn't going to kill them to listen to a message on being single. After all, single people listen to sermons on building marriages and strengthening families on a greater average than the other way around. As a pastor, he has to minister to his entire flock - not just the married couples or parents.
So, welcome to the stream of conciousness that is The Single Factor. I would encourage you to take what we say, chew on it and post your response on the message board.
My question of late has been 'why get married?' What is its purpose beyond procreation? Is it another ministry opprotunity? Is it the need for community? I can understand why God said 'it is not good for man to be alone' and created Eve. We are social beings and need to be in community.. and for Adam and Eve were the original community and their relationship was marriage based. Some churches take this as the ultimate in human relationships. I am not convinced of that. God does not play favorites. Paul talks extensively on the benefits of both singleness and marriage. This doesn't mean that I'm opposed to marriage. Not at all.
I wonder why such an emphasis is placed on being married if God doesn't place one above the other. Why are singles often treated as second class citizens by the church? Why have we made it such a big deal with over half of the American population is in some state of singleness (never married, divorced, widowed). Why do so many churches place most of their resources into marriage and family oriented ministries when if they did a simple demographic survey they would find that probably a third or more of their congregation is single?
That's a big resource that isn't being used effectively. At my own church, CrossPoint Community Church in Nashville, the pastor caught some heat when he did a couple of messages that were geared toward the singles in the church. His response was that singles were a part of the body, too.. and that married people should not focus just on the couples/family bubble. It wasn't going to kill them to listen to a message on being single. After all, single people listen to sermons on building marriages and strengthening families on a greater average than the other way around. As a pastor, he has to minister to his entire flock - not just the married couples or parents.
So, welcome to the stream of conciousness that is The Single Factor. I would encourage you to take what we say, chew on it and post your response on the message board.